June - A Very Busy Month – Installment #1
We keep thinking that we will get this done before a
month passes; but, so far we are a month and one half behind. We feel that it
is still important to write.
This is the same place we took a picture 2 months ago. Much nicer weather.
We are teaching institute this summer on Wednesday nights
until August 12. We are really enjoying it. The YSAs are receptive and offer a
lot to the class. In June we continued to teach in St. Matthew. It is a great
experience to learn more about the Savior and strengthen our testimonies. We
taught them that Matthew wrote for the Jews to show them that what was foretold
came to pass through Jesus Christ. That Jesus Christ was the promised Messiah
that the Old Testament Prophets prophesied. We have been able to teach His parables,
His miracles, the Mount of Transfiguration and Priesthood keys. We have been
able to use power point, video clips of the Bible Videos as well as video clips
of modern day Prophets and Apostles. These are very powerful resources and we
are glad that we can use them. We have had about 8 in our class. On Wednesday
night at Institute there also continues to be a mission prep class and a class
Brother Turner is teaching. All in all there are about 25 students.
We were able to see the locks in action. We have a couple
of locks next to our apartment that move boats between the Ottawa River and the
Rideau River at Hogs Back Locks. this canal is called the Rideau Canal. We went for a walk down by the
canal and over to the beach. Coming back the locksmith (ranger) was standing by
the lock so I asked if boats have started coming through. He said yes one is
coming in just a few minutes. So we ran home to get the camera. I mean Sister
Payne walked fast but I broke out in a sprint. It felt good and we got back
just in time to get some good pictures. We were able to see this huge boat that
sleeps 200 and comes from Kingston, a city by the St. Lawrence Sea Way, up the
Rideau River, through several locks including the Hog’s Back Locks by our place,
to the Hartwell Locks. It is a five day trip up and five days back. As you will
notice, this boat had to pull up its bough to get into the lock. It was fun and
we stayed about 45 minutes watching the process. It was the first boat we saw
going through the locks. One note is that the locksmiths crank the winches that
move the gates by hand. There are no modern gages or radios or engineering or hydraulics or other
high tech stuff involved at all.
That day we were able to talk to three people, one had
been raised as a Mormon but quit going to church ten years ago because she
works on Sunday for Costco. I think some good seeds were sown during this
The ward during summer is small. We have about 35 to 45 YSAs in the summer. The Bishop told us that
we would get to know the members that come in the summer better because it is
so small. We are looking forward to that. We have a big diversity of members in
the Dows Lake YSA Ward. Not only do we have several colors of skin, but we have
every level of socio, economic, education, testimony, and church experience in
our ward. It would be very challenging to any bishop; but, our bishop has been
a bishop before, has been a counselor in the Stake Presidency and is very, very
good at it. We are here to help him.
So far our service projects have been, clean the meeting
house every Saturday every other month. Also, we get to go help at the Garlic
Farm. The money earned by this farm helps to supplement people with
disabilities. It helps provide some housing and other expenses not covered by the
government supplement. The land is owned by Canada and they lease for 1$ a year. The farm is run by a
retired church member. Each ward in the stake volunteers one week at a time and
other churches and charity service groups also volunteer time to help. This
time we weeded. This is an ongoing project that many of our YSAs grew up
helping with their families. Those that have been doing this for a long time feel
a great satisfaction and love doing it. In our assignment, we would weed and
then make sure the little garlic mound was covered with hay. This keeps the
garlic plants moist and helps keep out the weeds. We had about 16 there. Sorry
no picture.
We were able to go on somewhat of an historical tour. It
was Open Door day in Ottawa so several historical homes, buildings and churches
were open for public tour. We went to see the Royal Canadian College of
physicians and surgeons that is located in an old nunnery. This is where they
make the rules and regulations for the doctors. We also went to see the Laurier
House the historic home of a Prime Minister. We also went to see the Saint
Francois d’Assisa Church that was built in 1915.
We had three marriages in June of YSAs. Hopefully we will
have more. They are all strong young people with strong testimonies and they
will be a great benefit to both the church and the community wherever they
This month was Stake Conference. We had a sweet elderly
sister that was recently baptized speak. What a powerful testimony. After the
session the visiting area 70, Elder Jack N. Gerard asked new converts or those
investigating the church to meet in the Relief Society room. There were about
12 with either the missionaries or a bishopric member there. It was neat to
hear about their interest in the church. They were well taught by him and our
Stake President, President Nemeth.
More to come
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